Canadian patent agents with privileges before the USPTO, please spend as little as ten minutes now to preserve your right to represent Canadians before the patent office of the United States. Also consider if our regulation system needs tweaking.Read More
You are being misled by the promise of trade secrets being free and easy. Trade secrets can be part of a complete IP program as appropriate for your innovations and business.Read More
Five. The answer is five.Assuming your company makes technical innovations worth protecting and you’ve done your homework to identify what they are – I am going to guess you found at least two ideas worth patenting. One relates to your million dollar idea that got you started. The other is another way you could implement...Read More
Let me say $6000 but most patent attorneys would respond “how long is a piece of string?” They have a good point as their fees to draft the specification can range from $4000 to $25K. After all, patents are by definition new so we cannot reuse another patent as a template. And your invention could be a...Read More
You’ve had your eureka moment, built a prototype, the team has spent months improving the idea – surely you’ve invented something. But what? The modest inventor would say “Nothing. I’ve just re-used known techniques.” The proud inventor would say “I’ve completely invented a new way of living!” You are either going to miss out on...Read More