Are you and your organization ready for your next big sale, funding round, or acquisition? The Open-Source Free Software (OSFS) components you use have many benefit but also risks. Get ready with awareness, records, and procedures.Read More
Inflation is a concern everywhere. The patent offices of the United States and Canada have changed their fees. Now is a good time to consider what you spend on patents, how to classify the expenses, how to budget, and how the changes could affect you. Learn useful ways to classify your expenses and use event-based...Read More
Every Canadian technology company should join National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program. They have grants to fund your IP portfolio.Read More
When Queen Elizabeth II died in September 2022 she was the longest-serving monarch Canada has seen. Nobody practicing patent law today was practicing the last time the head of state changed. Does the event affect your patents?Read More
It takes about six years from your filing date to get a patent issued in Canada. You have options to reduce or increase this time and there are reasons to want to do either.Read More
Canadian patent agents with privileges before the USPTO, please spend as little as ten minutes now to preserve your right to represent Canadians before the patent office of the United States. Also consider if our regulation system needs tweaking.Read More
You are being misled by the promise of trade secrets being free and easy. Trade secrets can be part of a complete IP program as appropriate for your innovations and business.Read More